Hey there penguins!
Club Penguin has released a new thing and it's colored eggs :)

Club Penguin has released a new thing and it's colored eggs :)
Some cultures like to decorate trees with the colorful eggs they create!
You Will Need
- Eggs
- 2 push pins
- A long sewing needle
- Colored napkins or tissue paper
- A bowl
- Ribbon
- Paintbrush
- Optional: Colored markers
Paper Maché mix
- 1 cups all purpose flour
- 2 cups water
- Gently rinse off your eggs.
- At the top of your egg, use the push pin to carefully puncture the shell.
- Make a second hole in the other end of your egg. Try to make this second hole a little bigger.
- Keep a push pin in the bottom of the egg.
- Use your sewing needle to break up the yolk inside the egg.
- Hold your egg above a bowl and gently blow into the smaller hole. The yolk should come out pretty easily.
- If there’s some yolk still in the egg, use your needle again to break it up. (Don't throw the yolk away! You can create a tasty omelet!)
- Once all the yoke is out, hold the egg under warm running water, letting water enter the egg. When you think it’s clean, blow the excess water out.
- Cut or tear your napkins or tissue paper into smaller pieces.
- Use a paintbrush to gently apply the paper maché mix to the egg.
- Place your napkin or tissue pieces on the egg and apply more paper maché over top. (You may want to do a few layers.)
- Once dry, take your ribbon and thread it through your needle, then push the needle through the holes in the egg.
- Tie a knot at the bottom of the ribbon.
- Now you’re ready to hang up your egg!
- Instead of Paper Maché you can also use markers and draw pictures or patterns on your eggs .
- This sure does look great and I can't wait to try it out!
- Waddle on!
- -Snoop500
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