A brand new EPF message was just sent out to all agents around the island by Dot. It's related to Spy Drills, and here it is:
It reads:
Great to see so many agents doing Spy Drills. Kudos you guys. And now that you've banked some medals, reward yourself. Elite gear!
Thanks for the tip Dot!
Club Penguin updated today with few updates, but there are still some minor ones which are a many! Continue reading this post to find out which minor Club Penguin updates occurred on the island and on Club Penguin's website today.
The first minor update includes advertising the next Club Penguin party, Monsters University, which starts June 27, 2013 on the exit page by having a log off screen designed for advertising it. Check it out:
This screen got also added to Club Penguin's Home Page:
It also got added as a log in screen, which I don't have a picture of yet.
As for the second minor update, it's also related to Club Penguin's website. It is an update to the Home Page slides, in which the My Penguin app ones got removed and as a result there are just 3 buttons instead of 5.
Regarding the third minor update, it's a big one! It includes a full update to the Puffle Adoption process. Firstly, the mat under the pets in the Pet Shop got updated, and now it's coloured green.
If you click on the Puffles, you will result in a screen where you can adopt any Puffles of our choice, and of course if you're a member. What got updated here is some new furniture items added, faster Puffle movements, new buttons, new section added to the left that views the current available Puffles, your coins, and the types of Puffles you can adopt.
There's also a Rainbow Puffle poster hanged on the wall behind the Puffles. By clicking on it, you can find out how to adopt a Rainbow Puffle.
Other than this, the price of the Puffles got decreased from 800 coins to 400 coins. If you click on a Puffle, a brand new way of viewing the Puffle's properties appears.
Naming a Puffle message got updated with new buttons.
The agreement on adopting the Puffle message got updated with new buttons too.
And finally, the Puffle Adoption Certificate's buttons got updated too.
The fourth and final minor update is the addition of 2 brand new Portuguese books to the unlock items online page under the "I've Got A Book" category.
A brand new Club Penguin pin is now hidden somewhere on the island. It is the Shuriken Pin, and can be found at the Ski Village. As a result of having this pin hidden as the current pin, the Elemental Pin can no longer be found at the Hidden Lake. With the addition of this brand new pin, a total of 5 pins have been hidden in this particular room.
This new pin is cool and matches the room decoration since it's related to snow! How do you like this new pin? Make sure to share your thoughts with us in the comments section below.
A brand new issue of the weekly Club Penguin Times was published today by Aunt Arctic. It is the 397 issue to get published since Aunt Arctic started her job on the island as a reporter and publisher of the newspaper. The main focus of this issue is, for sure, all about Card-Jitsu Snow and nothing else!
The main headline in this week's Club Penguin Times Issue talks about the battle of ninjas against Tusk.
The second article explains how ninjas can control the weather on the island.
Here are the upcoming events listed in this week's issue:
As for the secret of this newspaper issue, it talks about Card-Jitsu Snow.
Those are all the main parts of this week's Club Penguin Times Issue! You can still check the other parts such as the jokes and Ask Sensei parts of the newspaper by your own on the island.
Psst! Only EPF can read this post!.. Neon Rose has been doing a brill job as an EPF Agent looking out for other penguins – and puffles - on the Island. Keep up the good work, Agent! Great disguise too!
Go to the Contact Us page to let us know why your buddy should be PotD!
-Club Penguin Team
Exciting news everyone! Club Penguin's party for June 2013 finally got revealed... It's going to be the Monsters University Takeover Party 2013 which sounds amazing. Polo Field confirmed that in his latest blog post on the official Club Penguin blog. You can find out more about how Club Penguin is partnering with Pixar for this huge party in Polo Field's post below!
I have some VERY exciting news to share with everyone... We're partnering with Pixar for a brand NEW party... the first-ever Disney Pixar Monsters University Takeover! Ever since Club Penguin started, we've been HUGE fans of Pixar. We've always looked up to their brilliant creative team, and we dreamed that one day we'd get to work with them. Well, that day has arrived! Prepare to scare...
We can't wait to share the scary-awesome stuff we've got planned. Stay tuned to the blog for more updates! Waddle On! -Club Penguin Team
I'm really so excited!! What about you? Make sure to share your thoughts with us in the comments section below.
Club Penguin's My Penguin app was a great success, and they're going to give it a brand new update for the first time on June 6th, 2013. The update includes brand new levels in some games, and the Card-Jitsu Snow game to get into the app. After some researching run by Trainman1405 in Club Penguin's files, he was able to find out some of the new Card-Jitsu cards that will be available in the My Penguin app only! Which means to get them, you'll need to download the app first. Anyway, here are some of the new cards coming June 6th to the app:
A new Reviewed by You has been posted by Polo Field. With an epic comment coming from Awesome Guy 27. This time, we will be reviewing "Card Jitsu Snow". Here is the blog post:
Hello Penguins,
Last week we asked, what would your ultimate spy gadget be?
Awesomeguy27's answer was...well...awesome!
What I think would be the ultimate spy gadget would contain
everything our current one has, and some other things. First, it would
have an extended notification system. For example, if a penguin needed
help, it would show up on the screen. We could teleport to that penguin
immediately and help them. Second an emergency first aid kit to help me
as well as other penguins in case of an injury. Finally, a fully stocked
fridge. Come on, some people get hungry on important missions! ;)
A fully stocked fridge would be epic! We all know that food is the greatest fuel for a top agent
With the Card-Jitsu Snow party in full swing, we would like to know. What has been your best Card-Jitsu Snow strategy so far? Leave your comments below (50-75 words, please!)
We'll pick one comment to feature in next week's Reviewed by You. If
your review is featured next week, we'll add 10,000 coins to your
account. Don't forget to use your penguin name so we can add the coins!
Waddle On!
-Club Penguin Team
If you ask me, my best Card-Jitsu strategy is always attack from the behind! What is yours? Tell us in the comments below.
Another "Penguin Of The Day" has been chosen by The team today. This time, it is none other than, Sallyicy. She was chosen for having an epic Player card and a super cool igloo with a pretty garden. Find out more about this penguin in today's Penguin Of The Day post below.
Sallyicy is friendly, kind and an ace friend to
all; what a star! To top it off she has an amazing igloo (love the
garden!) and one of the coolest player cards I’ve seen. Snow-Ninja
Wizard = EPIC!
Contact us and tell the team why your buddy should be Penguin of the Day!
-Club Penguin Team
Congratulations, Sallyicy! Make sure to keep on nominating your friends via the Club Penguin "Contact Us" page.
Club Penguin is updating tonight with just a few minor updates. This is their twenty fifth update week of 2013, and here are the expected updates of tonight:
- New pin
- Club Penguin Times Issue 397
- Club Penguin Magazine Issue 18 in the UK
- New EPF message
But before Club Penguin updates tonight, make sure you've done the following tasks if you haven't already:
- Get the Elemental Pin
- Buy the 17th issue of the Club Penguin Magazine if you want it
Spike Hike made a post yesterday in which he tells us that there's going to be 3 new parties coming in June, July, and August that will take us to new places, new worlds, and even new dimensions! As for today, Polo Field showed us a sneak peek image in a brand new post on the Club Penguin blog that shows a part of a flag. Check out the sneak peek post of June's HUGE new party:
There is going to be a HUGE new party coming up, can you guess what it's going to be from these clues?
 Post your ideas in the comments! -Club Penguin Team
It looks like that Monsters University is going to get advertised in Club Penguin as the next party! There are many things that hint to this information, such as the new school room, and the old tweet of Club Penguin. But as for the current sneak peek picture shown above, it's a part of the flag that Mike (the green monster) is holding in this Monsters University desktop background:
It's so exciting for follow hints and finally find out what's coming next in Club Penguin! But the question is, are you excited for this brand new HUGE party? It's going to get released 20, 2013 on Club Penguin.
It has been a long ago since Daffodaily5 hosted an Epic Ninja Party Extravaganza on Club Penguin, so she decided to host another one since lots of penguins will be able to attend it this time, and so that everyone can have the chance to meet her and party with her! If you'd like to find out more about the second part of the Epic Ninja Party Extravaganza, then read the details post below by Daffodaily5:
Someone told me that it's half term for UK schools this week, and seeing as you're all loving Card-Jitsu Snow so much I thought, "I think it must be time to have another Epic Ninja Party Extravaganza". Would you agree?
So if you fancy joining me for this mega party, head to the server Snow Flake at 6am Penguin Standard Time (that's 2pm UK time) tomorrow, May 29th. Can't wait to see you all again! :D
Byeee for now!
-Club Penguin Team
The party is going to be on the Server "Snow Flake" at 6 am Penguin Standard Time, that's 2 pm in the UK. The day of the party is tomorrow, May 29th. Will you be able to attend this huge party with Daffodaily5? Share what you have to say with us in the comments section below!
When the team heard that Pepsiguy3 had an igloo that’s “amazing, awesome AND wonderful”, I just had to check it out for myself! Guess what? It’s ace! This agent has created the ultimate ninja hideout!
Head to the Contact Us page to send your nomination for POTD.
-Club Penguin Team
A new POTD has been once again chosen. This time, the Penguin Of The Day is the one and only, Jewel7290. She has been chosen by Daffodaily5 for being a star in their local community. Red more about her below:
The team and I were very happy to hear that today’s nomination, Jewel7920, has been a real star
with helping out her local community! Double thumbs up to you!
Keep your nominations flowing to support@clubpenguin.com!
-Club Penguin Team
Congratulations, Jewel7290. And like Daffodaily5 said, Keep your nominations flowing to support@clubpenguin.com!
Recently, Babble.com updated their article about the "My Penguin" app by adding new... It was confirmed on the blog that the release date would be around the 6th of June. They also confirmed the rumors that the update will include the Card-Jitsu Game. Another thing that was confirmed is that third part of world in Puffle Rescue will be added along to 5 levels that will get added to Pufflescape. Here is the part of the article which contains information about the upcoming new content to the My Penguin App version 1.1:
The 1.1 update of My Penguin will launch June 6, and it will include the following new features:
* BATTLE IN THE ALL NEW Card-Jitsu Snow multiplayer ninja game—level up and defeat evil snowmen.
* SAVE MORE PUFFLES, avoid shockingly dangerous creatures, and discover the secret area in Puffle Rescue World 3.
* EXPLORE LEGENDARY LEVELS – 5 more! Plus, earn the giant O’berry in the Pufflescape game.
Are you excited for the new updates coming to the next version of the My Penguin app? Let us know by leaving us a comment in the comments section below!
Summer is almost here, and Club Penguin has a lot planned for the next 3 months (June, July, and August) to make us have a fun and amazing Summer on Club Penguin just like last year! Spike Hike has posted about this information, and did include a bit of sneak peek information of what to expect in the next 3 NEW parties the team have planned for us. They're going to take us to new places, new worlds, and even new dimensions which no penguin has ever seen! That's really so exciting. Check out Spike Hike's post to find out more about the next upcoming content to the island of Club Penguin.
Hello Penguins!
I hope everyone is as excited about Card-Jitsu Snow and the Card-Jitsu Party as I am!
I want to let you all know that it's the kick-off of an AMAZING summer we have planned!
The team has some HUGE surprises for you! We have not one.... Not two… But THREE ALL-NEW parties over the next three months!! We will take you to new places… new worlds… even new dimensions no penguin has ever seen!!
And thanks again to everyone who helped make "My Penguin" a top iPad app around the world! We have even more planned for it, too!! I'm sworn to secrecy, but let me say that we will refuel a classic Club Penguin game... And we will bring even more to mobile that will make you feel right at home.
Stay tuned for more updates here on the blog!
Until then... Waddle On!
-Club Penguin Team
But that's not all to expect. There's going to be an update to a classic Club Penguin game, I wonder which game is it going to be. I find out which game it is because Spike Hike tweeted a clue about the game that's going to get an update, and here's the tweet:
The only Club Penguin game that uses fuel is, for sure, Jet Pack Adventure, and I wonder what's the new update going to be... Maybe it's the way we'll be able to get to new places, worlds, and new dimensions. Time will tell. Anyway, let us know what's your own theory about the upcoming Club Penguin content by leaving a comment in the comments section below.
Recently, Polo Field announced on the official Club Penguin blog that the team have heard of the 3 annoying bugs everyone is facing the most in Card-Jitsu Snow, and that they're working on squashing at their HQ! That's good to hear, since those bugs are really so annoying and are the reason of having Card-Jitsu Snow get damaged every often. Find out more about those bugs in the following Card-Jitsu Snow update post by Polo Field.
Hey Penguins,
Thanks for the awesome feedback on your Card-Jitsu Snow experience so far! We have been working day and night over here at HQ to continuously improve game play for you.
A few of you have run into some bugs while playing the game. We have heard you! Here are some of the pesky bugs we are working on squashing:
- #10533 - Players are sometimes stuck on loading screens when attempting to enter game play.
- #10648 - When entering Card-Jitsu Snow, the player encounters a black or partially black screen.
- #10654 - Upon picking a Snow/Fire/Water ninja, players will sometimes recieve an error message.
Remember, you can always go here to report a bug you have found. We always appreciate your feedback!
On another note, Field Friday will start at 2:30pm today on the server Fjord. Can't wait to check out everyone's awesome igloos!
Waddle on!
- Club Penguin Team
Thanks Polo Field for letting the team know about those annoying bugs, and for having them squash them! I'm also looking forward to attend today's Field Friday. But the question is, are you going to attend it too? If yes, then see you there at 2:15 pm PST on the server Fjord, since I'll be logging in 15 minutes early!
Club Penguin's poll was updated yet again today. Since Card-Jitsu Snow is the current event in Club Penguin, the poll is related to it. The question of this time's poll says: "The battle has begun! Which ninja do you like playing as most in Card-Jitsu Snow?" Here's the poll:
So far, most penguins voted for Snow Ninja as their favourite ninja in Card-Jitsu Snow!
I also voted for Snow Ninja, but what about you? Let us know in the comments section below.
As you know, I love fashion, especially when it’s a bit random! Icylome2000’s retro-vintage style wins todays POTD spot for looking so ace. Plus, check out their super ski resort igloo, it’s awesome!
Don’t forget to nominate your buddies via the Contact Us page!
-Club Penguin Team
Club Penguin started today sending out their weekly Parent Update Newsletter to all registered emails. I didn't receive it yet. But in the meantime here's a copy of it that Trainman1405 received:
Here's what the newsletter says:
New Club Penguin Game!
Join the Battle to Master Snow!
Brave penguins are needed to master Card-Jitsu Snow, the newest ninja game, out now!
Members can power up with cards!
Everyone can unite in battle, and members can get additional Power Cards to boost their skill. Prepare for victory!
What do you think of this Parent Update Newsletter? Make sure to share your thoughts with us in the comments below!
A brand new Club Penguin EPF message was sent out today by Jet Pack Guy to all EPF agents all over the island! Check out his message below.
It reads:
Warning all agents. Nearly crash landed when a strong wind knocked me off course. Not every day I fly through flurries as dangerous as those. Real chilly up there.
I feel sorry for you Jet Pack Guy, and hope you get well soon.
One of the team received an epic story from a devoted ninja, who was clearly super excited about Card-Jitsu Snow! Plus his igloo is like a mini Snow Dojo (Snojo?)!  Thanks for sending your story, Jack 55588, great job!
Don't forget, there are plenty of reasons someone might be nominated for POTD, such as having an amazing igloo or a super creative costume... If you think your buddy deserves to be featured on the blog, contact us and tell us why!
-Club Penguin Team
Ninjas get ready, because you're needed to master the element of Snow! You can do so by accessing the Snow Dojo from the Dojo it self. There's a door at the right of the Dojo which is the entrance to the Snow Dojo, you'll need to waddle into the inside of it.
You'll then arrive to the Snow Dojo where you can play the Card-Jitsu Snow game by waddling through the bridge between the 2 penguin statues.
Once you say yes to playing, you will be brought to this screen where you can pick your element.
Here are some details about each of the 3 ninjas which you must pick only 1 of them to play as in the game.
Water Ninja:
Once you select your element, click Play and you will be brought to the loading screen, and once all of the penguins have joined, you will be brought to this loading page.
Once the game starts, you will see a tiled map like this:
The blue squares are the spots you are available to move! To move, just click on a blue spot! When you are range of an enemy, you will be able to attack him!
To attack, click on the enemy when you see a Red Square!
As you go through defeating enemies, the bar at the bottom of the screen will continue to increase. Once it is all full, you will gain a power card in which you can use a special attack!
To use the power card, select it and place it on a red tile:
There are three rounds that you must survive through:
At the end of the game, you will see this screen showing you which rewards you won or you're going to win in the next round.