Update: The second part of the celebration is now over!
Yesterday, Spike Hike hosted a celebration of the releasing of the My Penguin app on Club Penguin, in which several mascots and Club Penguin staff (including Happy77, and other staff who left the game) attended to party with penguins for 1 whole hour! A lot of penguins came, from almost everywhere around the world. Except for UK users; it wasn't a perfect time for them to attend, so Daffodaily5 hosted a second part of the celebration with the same details EXACTLY today. I wonder if the same Club Penguin staff members as of yesterday's part will attend the second one of today! Anyway, here's the invitation post:
Hiya!I'm really so excited to attend the celebration in order to meet all the Club Penguin staff members that are attending, and the 4 mascots! I'll be able to attend it this time since today I'm free at 3 PM (UK time). But what about you? Will you be attending? If yes, I'll see you at the Town on the server Alaska when it's almost time for the second part of the My Penguin app releasing celebration.
It sounds like yesteday's My Penguin celebration party was pretty epicbut unfortunately it was just a little bit late for those of us in the UK! And seeing as so many of you are enjoying the My Penguin app already, I'll be hosting a SECOND party today! And I might just bring a few friends with me...
So if you're in the UK (or anywhere else in the world!) come and join me and the Club Penguin team for a HUGE party on the servers below at 7am Penguin Standard Time (that's 3pm in the UK). I've got a good feeling that Aunt Arctic, Gary, Cadence, and Franky will all be making an appearance...
Alaska Flurry Slushy Snow Day I can't wait to meet you all! Let's make it the most super epic party ever!
-Club Penguin Team
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