The Club Penguin Star Wars Takeover Party 2013 is the next upcoming party to Club Penguin, and it starts tonight. And as we always do before any party starts, here's the sneak peeks roundup of this party.
Club Herbert got updated with a picture a dark sky with some text at the bottom of it saying: "STARWARS™ & © Lucasfilm Ltd. All Right Reserved. Parent permission required. © 2013 Disney. Features shown require paid membership." which confirmed that the Star Wars Takeover Party 2013 is NOT a rumor but an upcoming party to Club Penguin's island!
Then after a while the Monsters University Takeover's trailer started airing as a TV commercial on some TV channels with a new addition at the end, a teaser of the Star Wars Takeover Party 2013.
Right after the Monsters University Takeover ended, 2 new screens promoting the Star Wars Takeover got added as Home Page and log off screens. One about Darth Vader and another about Princess Cadence.

An official trailer video about the party was uploaded to Club Penguin's channel on YouTube along to the new screens telling us the main stuff to do at the party; Join the rebel forces to battle Stormtroopers, steal the secret plans, and destroy the Death Star.
Later on when Club Penguin updated last week, they added even more screens as Home Page Screens, log in, and log off screens. The first showed us most of the costumes that will be available at the party. It's not worth mentioning the new social media accounts' icons and headers because they're parts of the screen below.
A second one showed that members can become Jedi Masters at the party.

While the third and final one showed even more features for members which are earning the rebel costume, a background, a pin, some coins, and even playing a minigame shown behind the penguin in the screen below.

There were also some videos uploaded showing sneak peeks and details about the main parts of the party. The first was an official TV commercial which didn't show anything new other than the main things to do during the party which we know already other than that we're going to ride a space ship to battle the stromtroopers' flying ships.
It was also confirmed that only one mascot will visit the island during this party.

That only mascot is going to be Herbert.
I've heard that a certain polar bear may be making an appearance at the #StarWarsTakeover...
— Polo Field (@polofield) July 16, 2013
And finally, Yahoo Movies said that there's going to be 3 minigames at this party, 18 decorated rooms, and 20+ costumes for members to get! What do you think of the Star Wars Takeover Party 2013? Excited for it? Let us know by leaving a comment in the comments section below!
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