As you all know, that at the 1st of August you can visit the Death Star. I have decided to share some of the Sneak peaks with you. The rooms that I have found look very interesting and looks like there's going to be a mini game at the Death Star. Here are all the upcoming rooms of the Death Star that will be accessible starting August 1st:

On August 8th we'll be able to fly to planet Yavin 4 which is just 2 rooms shown below.

Each of the 2 planet doesn't only have rooms, but also a map. Here's the Death Star's map: (Credits to Perapin for both maps)
Here's the Yavin 4 planet's map:
And finally, here's what Darth Herbert while look like in-game when he starts visiting on the 1st of August: (Credits to Perapin again)
What do you think of the unreleased rooms, maps, and Darth Herbert's avatar? Make sure to tell us your thoughts by leaving a comment in the comments section below with is where comments belong!
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