Club Penguin Snoop | Club Penguin Cheats 2015

Thursday 8 August 2013

Club Penguin Calculator Pin Cheat - July 8, 2013

With the usual Club Penguin updates, the brand new Calculator Pin has been released. You can find this pin at the Beacon on the island. This room can be accessible by using your map and then heading over to the Lighthouse, from there you can access the Beacon by taking the stairs up. Now to be honest, I have no idea what the theme of this pin could be for. My guess is that it could be themed for the recent EPF HQ update (construction was completed). Other than that, it looks pretty cool and you can learn how to obtain it by following the steps below.
  1. Login to any server on Club Penguin.
  2. Go to the Beacon.
  3. Click on the pin on the big light bulb.
  4. When asked to obtain it or not, click on “Yes.”

So what do you think about this brand new pin? I personally think that it looks pretty neat, however it would have been better if it was beach themed. Anyway, leave me your opinions and thoughts in the comments section below as we'd love to hear from you always!


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