Club Penguin Snoop | Club Penguin Cheats 2015

Tuesday 6 August 2013

Penguin of the Day: Jaydenblast8

G'day penguin pals! Today's POTD goes to a great penguin named Jaydenblast8. Have a look at this message from Dafffodaily5:

If you need a Jedi™ Master, look no further than Jaydenblast8! He’s been teaching other players how to duel with their lightsabers. The Force is strong with this one!
Nominate a friend for Penguin of the Day by contacting us!
-Club Penguin Team

Seems really great to me, and he's got a nice igloo too! Whom are you going to nominate next as a Penguin of the day? Be sure you let us know in the comments below.

-Snoop500 :D

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