Club Penguin Snoop | Club Penguin Cheats 2015

Wednesday, 4 June 2014

Where is Spike Hike?

Hiya! Some of you may have noticed Spike Hike has been missing for some time... or has he? Check out this message from the Club Penguin Blog:

Hey Penguins, if you haven’t heard from me as much recently, its because I’ve been working on something super secret that has been taking a lot of my time. It's the Next Big Thing for CP and beyond... and we're really excited about it! Hopefully we can show you a sneak peak in the next few months.
I'm also taking some new things on. I will now be overseeing all of Disney Mobile Games in addition to Club Penguin and Project: Super Secret. It's all a work-in-progress, but you will be able to see some of the new things we are working on at
With all that’s going on you may be hearing from me a little less often – but don’t worry! I’m still around and will always be Spike Hike! CP is a very special community that I am thankful to be a part of every day. I will still be doing Spike meetups, but around events and on a less regular basis. 
I want to thank you all for letting me be a part of your childhood and by doing so, to get to be a kid again myself. And as a parent, it has been a special family bond to share CP with my three penguins at home, so our family thanks you, too.
This is not by any means goodbye! I look forward to seeing you around in Club Penguin and checking in with you from time-to-time. CP has been and always will be bigger than one person. You ARE Club Penguin and you will always be in my heart!
Until next time…..Waddle On, Spike Hike!

Woah! What do you think he could be talking about? I'm guessing CPNext. Comment down below what you think. Waddle on!


Club Penguin Updates Tonight!

It's Wednesday, which means Club Penguin will be updating some minor things. You can have a look at them below:

  • June 2014, New Penguin Style
  • Club Penguin Times Issue 450 will be released
  • Soccer at Stadium returns
  • Fairy Fables returns to the stage, as seen in the latest episode of Spoiler Alert.
If you haven't got the items yet, you better do because Club Penguin will be updating tonight! Stay tuned for more, until then, Waddle on!

-Snoop500 :)

Monday, 2 June 2014

Spoiler Alert Episode 22!

The latest episode of the #SpoilerAlert is out! Have a look at it below:


That looks awesome! Doesn't it? Can't wait for the Penguin Cup to arrive! Loved the latest episode. Thanks, Club Penguin! How do you think the latest episode is? Let me know your thoughts in the comments below!

-Snoop500 :)

Happy Birthday Chattabox!

Chattabox has invited all the penguins for her Birthday Party! Check out this message by her on Club Penguin's blog:

G’Day Penguins,
Last week’s party was OUT OF THIS WORLD! So many of you turned up to help me defeat Protobot – check out the picture below! Unfortunately the first time around we failed our mission – leaving a lot of penguins feeling defeated. However, the second time we were unstoppable and managed to stop our evil nemesis. A big high five to everyone who came along to help, it was a great party.
This week I am super duper excited because… ITS MY BIRTHDAY! Woohoo! Tomorrow (June 3rd) is the big day. So this Thursday I would love to invite you all to a special birthday party in my iggy. There will be a light up dance floor, balloons, jokes and loads of fun! Come along with your party hats and best party outfit – its time to celebrate! I’m so excited… and I just can’t hide it!
Lets meet in The Forest on the Down Under server at 4pm (East Australian Standard Time) on Thursday 5th June, which will be 6pm for all of you in New Zealand. Don’t forget, this is 11pm Penguin Standard Time on Wednesday 4th June for everyone over in the US and Canada, and 7am on Thursday 5th May for my pals in the UK.
Waddle on!
- The Club Penguin Team
I'll try to be there in time, and thanks Chattabox, for inviting all of us for your Birthday Party! It's going to be awesome! I hope to see you there. How do you think this awesome party is going to be? Let me know your thoughts in the comments below.
-Snoop500 :)