Hey Penguins, if you haven’t heard from me as much recently, its because I’ve been working on something super secret that has been taking a lot of my time. It's the Next Big Thing for CP and beyond... and we're really excited about it! Hopefully we can show you a sneak peak in the next few months.
I'm also taking some new things on. I will now be overseeing all of Disney Mobile Games in addition to Club Penguin and Project: Super Secret. It's all a work-in-progress, but you will be able to see some of the new things we are working on at http://www.disney.com/games.
With all that’s going on you may be hearing from me a little less often – but don’t worry! I’m still around and will always be Spike Hike! CP is a very special community that I am thankful to be a part of every day. I will still be doing Spike meetups, but around events and on a less regular basis.
I want to thank you all for letting me be a part of your childhood and by doing so, to get to be a kid again myself. And as a parent, it has been a special family bond to share CP with my three penguins at home, so our family thanks you, too.
This is not by any means goodbye! I look forward to seeing you around in Club Penguin and checking in with you from time-to-time. CP has been and always will be bigger than one person. You ARE Club Penguin and you will always be in my heart!
Until next time…..Waddle On, Spike Hike!
Woah! What do you think he could be talking about? I'm guessing CPNext. Comment down below what you think. Waddle on!